More than 250 children seen in the urological project
Dr.Liem Lie, Dr.Herman Bakker and Dr. Jan Willem van Capelle, pediatric urologists, have seen more than 250 children during their consultation hours and have a total of 29 patients operated in the second urological project of this year.
These urological projects we started two years ago, initially with the aim of optimalizing the medical care to the children born with spina bifida. Since 2001 we organize together with IF, incontinence training for this group of children so that they can go dry and clean to school.
However, beyond this, they should be regularly checked by an pediatric urologist to keep, bladder and kidney healthy. Unfortunately in the entire southern Peru there isn’t a pediatric urologist working and that generated major problems. Now there are not only spina bifida young patients visiting the consultationhours of the urologists, other urological (birth) deviations as hypospadias, hydronephrosis kidney etc. and there appears to be a very large group of children living with the problem of bedwetting. From the local media, there was considerable interest in Dr. Jan Willem van Capelle to interview him during the breakfast shows on this subject.And then came . In short, we have a new project with “Bedwetting”