Every Saturday free medical campaignsCada sábado campañas médicas gratuitasIedere zaterdag gratis medische campagnes

Every Saturday free medical campaignsCada sábado campañas médicas gratuitasIedere zaterdag gratis medische campagnes

To make Local public awareness that prevention, prevention of diseases and what you can do yourself, we organize every Saturday free medical campaign in the hospital. Important and current health issues such as childhood obesity to, epilepsy, preventing birth defects, respiratory infections.Every child is seen by a doctor, for the parents is an informational meeting held further, we provide rich educative videos and brochures. It works as evidenced by the large number of participants.
Sensibilización del público local para hacer que la prevención, la prevención de enfermedades y lo que puede hacer usted mismo, organizamos cada campaña Sábado médica gratuita en el hospital. Los temas importantes y actuales de salud tales como la obesidad infantil a, la epilepsia, la prevención de defectos congénitos, infecciones respiratorias.
Cada niño es examinado por un médico, para los padres es una reunión informativa celebrada adicional, ofrecemos ricos vídeos educativos y folletos. Funciona como lo demuestra el gran número de participantes.Om de locale bevolking bewuster te maken dat preventie, voorkomen van ziektes en wat je daar zelf aan kunt doen, organiseren wij iedere zaterdag een gratis medische campagne in het ziekenhuis. Belangrijke en actuele gezondheids thema’s zoals o.m. obesidad bij kinderen, epilepsie, het voorkomen van geboorte-afwijkingen, luchtweginfecties worden behandeld. Ieder kind wordt door een arts gezien, voor de ouders wordt een informatieve bijeenkomst gehouden, verder zorgen we voor eductieve videos en folders. Dat het aanslaat moge blijken uit de grote aantal deelnemers.

Typeradio had an interview with Rejane Dal Bello

Typeradio had an interview with graphic designer Rejane Dal Bello at the What Design Can Do-conference in Amsterdam. This strong visual designer never stops working, drawing and visualizing ideas. We asked her why she left her home country Brasil to study in New York and The Netherlands. She tells us that all of her decisions regarding life and design are based upon the ability to develop herself and to add something to the world. This is the reason she doesn’t mind working pro-bono for projects that matter, like developing a visual identity for a Peruvian Children’s hospital. We also talk about her heroes, teaching and if she calls herself a Dutch designer after working at Studio Dumbar for 8 years. She tells us life happens and that she can never really plan ahead, recently that brought her to work in London at Wolff Olins. Recorded at the What Design Can Do 2012, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsTyperadio had a with graphic designer Rejane Dal Bello at the What Design Can Do-conference in Amsterdam. This strong visual designer never stops working, drawing and visualizing ideas. We asked her why she left her home country Brasil to study in New York and The Netherlands. She tells us that all of her decisions regarding life and design are based upon the ability to develop herself and to add something to the world. This is the reason she doesn’t mind working pro-bono for projects that matter, like developing a visual identity for a Peruvian Children’s hospital. We also talk about her heroes, teaching and if she calls herself a Dutch designer after working at Studio Dumbar for 8 years. She tells us life happens and that she can never really plan ahead, recently that brought her to work in London at Wolff Olins. Recorded at the What Design Can Do 2012, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsTyperadio had a with graphic designer Rejane Dal Bello at the What Design Can Do-conference in Amsterdam. This strong visual designer never stops working, drawing and visualizing ideas. We asked her why she left her home country Brasil to study in New York and The Netherlands. She tells us that all of her decisions regarding life and design are based upon the ability to develop herself and to add something to the world. This is the reason she doesn’t mind working pro-bono for projects that matter, like developing a visual identity for a Peruvian Children’s hospital. We also talk about her heroes, teaching and if she calls herself a Dutch designer after working at Studio Dumbar for 8 years. She tells us life happens and that she can never really plan ahead, recently that brought her to work in London at Wolff Olins. Recorded at the What Design Can Do 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dutch visitVisita de HolandaHollandse visite

Dutch visitVisita de HolandaHollandse visite

Today we were pleasantly surprised by the visit of 20 compatriots who are making a tour through Peru. But outside of visiting all the beautiful tourist highlights, they were anxious to see the other side of the Peruvian daily life. A comprehensive tour made ​​by the hospital complex with them. At the end of their visit we receive a donation, which we are very grateful to them.
Hoy nos quedamos gratamente sorprendidos por la visita de 20 compatriotas que están haciendo una gira por Perú. Pero fuera de visitar todas las bellas atracciones turísticas, que estaban ansiosos por ver la otra cara de la vida cotidiana del Perú. Un completo recorrido realizado por el complejo hospitalario con ellos. Al final de su visita nos recibimos una donación, por lo que estamos muy agradecidos.Vandaag werden wij blij verrast met de visite van 20 landgenoten, die een rondreis door Peru aan het maken zijn. Maar buiten het bezoeken van alle mooie toeristische hoogtepunten, wilden zij graag ook de andere kant van het dagelijkse Peruaanse leven zien. Een uitgebreide rondgang door het ziekenhuiscomplex met hen gemaakt en zij waren heel enthousiast. Aan het einde van hun bezoek mochten wij een donatie ontvangen, waarvoor wij hen heel dankbaar zijn.

Operation Project for children with congenital heart diseaseOperación del Proyecto para los niños con cardiopatía congénitaOperatieproject voor kinderen met een aangeboren hartafwijking

Operation Project for children with congenital heart diseaseOperación del Proyecto para los niños con cardiopatía congénitaOperatieproject voor kinderen met een aangeboren hartafwijking

In the first week of May, we will first collaboration the Hospital de Nino, Lima, surgery-exercise for children with congenital heart disease. Since we now own a very modern children’s feature where thanks to the presence of safe and
advanced equipment in the operating and recovery room, it has become possible to more complex operations to perform.

Around 12 children born with a congenital heart disease will be operated for free by Dr.Einaida Melgar, heart surgeon.En la primera semana de mayo, lo primero que hará colaboración el Hospital de Niño, Lima, cirugía, ejercicio para los niños con cardiopatía congénita. Puesto que ahora posee una característica niños muy moderno donde gracias a la presencia de la caja fuerte y
equipo avanzado en la sala de operaciones y de recuperación, se ha hecho posible a operaciones más complejas de realizar.

Alrededor de 12 niños que nacen con una cardiopatía congénita serán operados de forma gratuita por Dr.Einaida Melgar, cirujano cardíaco.In de eerste week van mei zullen we voor het eerst i.s.m. het Hospital de Nino, Lima, een operatieproject houden voor kinderen met een aangeboren hartafwijking. Daar wij nu zelf over een uiterst modern kinderziekenhuis beschikken waar dankzij de aanwezigheid van veilige en
geavanceerde apparatuur in de operatie- en verkoeverkamer, het mogelijk is geworden om meer complexe operaties uit te voeren.

12 Kinderen geboren met een hartafwijking zullen gratis door Dra.Einaida Melgar, hartchirurge, geopereerd worden.

Interview with Rejane dal Bello -DesignboomEntrevista con Rejane dal Bello – DesignboomInterview with Rejane dal Bello- Designboom

Interview with Rejane dal Bello -DesignboomEntrevista con Rejane dal Bello – DesignboomInterview with Rejane dal Bello- Designboom

B: please can you tell us how you came to work on the PAZ holandesa project?
RDB: together with yomar augusto, I sponsored the identity for the hospital.
it’s been an amazing experience to work with the creator of the hospital (marjan van mourik)
who is devoted to this amazing project and is a source of inspiration for the design development.
we started in 2005 but the visual identity work is ongoing and includes everything from stationery
to environmental graphics, uniforms and many more applications.

DB: what was the starting point for the identity?
RDB: there were not a precise briefing, only to understand what the hospital is about and
the willingness to help the project. the hospital is dedicated to the tony rojas molleapaza so
I decided to make a character ‘PAZ’ that represented tony’s presence at the hospital, since he was
strong and fought against his disease bravely, the character needed to evoke hope and strength.
so I chose bold solid characters and vibrant colors for their power and energy and the flower
as a metaphor of growth, this all added up to to be the elements that define the visual identity.

DB: …and the other characters?
RDB: the other characters represent the staff of the hospital which help PAZ.
they’re meant to be part of the daily life in the hospital, so the characters are based on real staff
members as the doctors, doctor’s assistants, nurses, administrator, cleaner, technician etc.
so the character can interact with the patients.

for example, for this to happen, instead of the staff wearing a traditional uniform
every staff member is equal, wearing a t-shirt, but with their character printed on it.
so the doctor’s clothing, is the same as the administrator’s, or cleaner’s,
the only difference is the character printed on it – the PAZ family is a living thing!

its funny because the director marjan van mourik told me that the doctors hated this idea,
because they want to use their traditional, hierarchical doctors clothing…
new ideas tend to upset people!
Click here to read moreB: please can you tell us how you came to work on the PAZ holandesa project?
RDB: together with yomar augusto, I sponsored the identity for the hospital.
it’s been an amazing experience to work with the creator of the hospital (marjan van mourik)
who is devoted to this amazing project and is a source of inspiration for the design development.
we started in 2005 but the visual identity work is ongoing and includes everything from stationery
to environmental graphics, uniforms and many more applications.

DB: what was the starting point for the identity?
RDB: there were not a precise briefing, only to understand what the hospital is about and
the willingness to help the project. the hospital is dedicated to the tony rojas molleapaza so
I decided to make a character ‘PAZ’ that represented tony’s presence at the hospital, since he was
strong and fought against his disease bravely, the character needed to evoke hope and strength.
so I chose bold solid characters and vibrant colors for their power and energy and the flower
as a metaphor of growth, this all added up to to be the elements that define the visual identity.

DB: …and the other characters?
RDB: the other characters represent the staff of the hospital which help PAZ.
they’re meant to be part of the daily life in the hospital, so the characters are based on real staff
members as the doctors, doctor’s assistants, nurses, administrator, cleaner, technician etc.
so the character can interact with the patients.

for example, for this to happen, instead of the staff wearing a traditional uniform
every staff member is equal, wearing a t-shirt, but with their character printed on it.
so the doctor’s clothing, is the same as the administrator’s, or cleaner’s,
the only difference is the character printed on it – the PAZ family is a living thing!

its funny because the director marjan van mourik told me that the doctors hated this idea,
because they want to use their traditional, hierarchical doctors clothing…
new ideas tend to upset people!
Click here to read moreB: please can you tell us how you came to work on the PAZ holandesa project?
RDB: together with yomar augusto, I sponsored the identity for the hospital.
it’s been an amazing experience to work with the creator of the hospital (marjan van mourik)
who is devoted to this amazing project and is a source of inspiration for the design development.
we started in 2005 but the visual identity work is ongoing and includes everything from stationery
to environmental graphics, uniforms and many more applications.

DB: what was the starting point for the identity?
RDB: there were not a precise briefing, only to understand what the hospital is about and
the willingness to help the project. the hospital is dedicated to the tony rojas molleapaza so
I decided to make a character ‘PAZ’ that represented tony’s presence at the hospital, since he was
strong and fought against his disease bravely, the character needed to evoke hope and strength.
so I chose bold solid characters and vibrant colors for their power and energy and the flower
as a metaphor of growth, this all added up to to be the elements that define the visual identity.

DB: …and the other characters?
RDB: the other characters represent the staff of the hospital which help PAZ.
they’re meant to be part of the daily life in the hospital, so the characters are based on real staff
members as the doctors, doctor’s assistants, nurses, administrator, cleaner, technician etc.
so the character can interact with the patients.

for example, for this to happen, instead of the staff wearing a traditional uniform
every staff member is equal, wearing a t-shirt, but with their character printed on it.
so the doctor’s clothing, is the same as the administrator’s, or cleaner’s,
the only difference is the character printed on it – the PAZ family is a living thing!

its funny because the director marjan van mourik told me that the doctors hated this idea,
because they want to use their traditional, hierarchical doctors clothing…
new ideas tend to upset people!
Click here to read more