B: please can you tell us how you came to work on the PAZ holandesa project?
RDB: together with yomar augusto, I sponsored the identity for the hospital.
it’s been an amazing experience to work with the creator of the hospital (marjan van mourik)
who is devoted to this amazing project and is a source of inspiration for the design development.
we started in 2005 but the visual identity work is ongoing and includes everything from stationery
to environmental graphics, uniforms and many more applications.
DB: what was the starting point for the identity?
RDB: there were not a precise briefing, only to understand what the hospital is about and
the willingness to help the project. the hospital is dedicated to the tony rojas molleapaza so
I decided to make a character ‘PAZ’ that represented tony’s presence at the hospital, since he was
strong and fought against his disease bravely, the character needed to evoke hope and strength.
so I chose bold solid characters and vibrant colors for their power and energy and the flower
as a metaphor of growth, this all added up to to be the elements that define the visual identity.
DB: …and the other characters?
RDB: the other characters represent the staff of the hospital which help PAZ.
they’re meant to be part of the daily life in the hospital, so the characters are based on real staff
members as the doctors, doctor’s assistants, nurses, administrator, cleaner, technician etc.
so the character can interact with the patients.
for example, for this to happen, instead of the staff wearing a traditional uniform
every staff member is equal, wearing a t-shirt, but with their character printed on it.
so the doctor’s clothing, is the same as the administrator’s, or cleaner’s,
the only difference is the character printed on it – the PAZ family is a living thing!
its funny because the director marjan van mourik told me that the doctors hated this idea,
because they want to use their traditional, hierarchical doctors clothing…
new ideas tend to upset people!
Click here to read moreB: please can you tell us how you came to work on the PAZ holandesa project?
RDB: together with yomar augusto, I sponsored the identity for the hospital.
it’s been an amazing experience to work with the creator of the hospital (marjan van mourik)
who is devoted to this amazing project and is a source of inspiration for the design development.
we started in 2005 but the visual identity work is ongoing and includes everything from stationery
to environmental graphics, uniforms and many more applications.
DB: what was the starting point for the identity?
RDB: there were not a precise briefing, only to understand what the hospital is about and
the willingness to help the project. the hospital is dedicated to the tony rojas molleapaza so
I decided to make a character ‘PAZ’ that represented tony’s presence at the hospital, since he was
strong and fought against his disease bravely, the character needed to evoke hope and strength.
so I chose bold solid characters and vibrant colors for their power and energy and the flower
as a metaphor of growth, this all added up to to be the elements that define the visual identity.
DB: …and the other characters?
RDB: the other characters represent the staff of the hospital which help PAZ.
they’re meant to be part of the daily life in the hospital, so the characters are based on real staff
members as the doctors, doctor’s assistants, nurses, administrator, cleaner, technician etc.
so the character can interact with the patients.
for example, for this to happen, instead of the staff wearing a traditional uniform
every staff member is equal, wearing a t-shirt, but with their character printed on it.
so the doctor’s clothing, is the same as the administrator’s, or cleaner’s,
the only difference is the character printed on it – the PAZ family is a living thing!
its funny because the director marjan van mourik told me that the doctors hated this idea,
because they want to use their traditional, hierarchical doctors clothing…
new ideas tend to upset people!
Click here to read moreB: please can you tell us how you came to work on the PAZ holandesa project?
RDB: together with yomar augusto, I sponsored the identity for the hospital.
it’s been an amazing experience to work with the creator of the hospital (marjan van mourik)
who is devoted to this amazing project and is a source of inspiration for the design development.
we started in 2005 but the visual identity work is ongoing and includes everything from stationery
to environmental graphics, uniforms and many more applications.
DB: what was the starting point for the identity?
RDB: there were not a precise briefing, only to understand what the hospital is about and
the willingness to help the project. the hospital is dedicated to the tony rojas molleapaza so
I decided to make a character ‘PAZ’ that represented tony’s presence at the hospital, since he was
strong and fought against his disease bravely, the character needed to evoke hope and strength.
so I chose bold solid characters and vibrant colors for their power and energy and the flower
as a metaphor of growth, this all added up to to be the elements that define the visual identity.
DB: …and the other characters?
RDB: the other characters represent the staff of the hospital which help PAZ.
they’re meant to be part of the daily life in the hospital, so the characters are based on real staff
members as the doctors, doctor’s assistants, nurses, administrator, cleaner, technician etc.
so the character can interact with the patients.
for example, for this to happen, instead of the staff wearing a traditional uniform
every staff member is equal, wearing a t-shirt, but with their character printed on it.
so the doctor’s clothing, is the same as the administrator’s, or cleaner’s,
the only difference is the character printed on it – the PAZ family is a living thing!
its funny because the director marjan van mourik told me that the doctors hated this idea,
because they want to use their traditional, hierarchical doctors clothing…
new ideas tend to upset people!
Click here to read more
Early this morning, the specialist (ENT, pediatricians, child orthopedist and hartchirurge) of the Hospital de Nino, Lima, arrived in Arequipa.
They will hold consults from tomorrow until Friday in our children’s hospital. More than 500 children will be investigated and if needed operated.
It is the first free campaign which we organize in collaboration with the Hospital de Nino and is planned to continue these quarterly repeat in an ever changing composition in terms of specializations.Temprano esta mañana, el especialista (otorrinolaringólogo, pediatras, ortopedista infantil y hartchirurge) del Hospital de Niño, Lima, llegó a Arequipa.
Se llevará a cabo horas de atencion a partir de mañana hasta el viernes en nuestra hospital. Más de 500 niños serán investigados y cuando necesita tambien operados. Se trata de la primera campaña gratuita que organizamos en colaboración con el Hospital de Niño y está previsto seguir estos repetición trimestral en una composición constante cambio en términos de especializaciones.Vanochtend vroeg zijn de specialisten (KNO arts, kinderartsen, kinderorthopeed en hartchirurge) van het Hospital de Nino, Lima, aangekomen in Arequipa.
Zij zullen vanaf morgen tot vrijdag spreekuren houden in ons kinderziekenhuis. Ruim 500 kinderen zullen onderzocht worden en indien nodig ook geopereerd worden.
Het is de eerste gratis campagne welke wij organiseren in samenwerking met het Hospital de Nino en is de bedoeling deze driemaandelijks te gaan herhalen in een steeds wisselende samenstelling qua specialismen.
Sophia is now almost seven months in our hospital and she is doing very well. Her weight is 7 kg. We hope we will be able to remove her feeding tube and she can start with drinking her milk with a special nipple on the baby bottle.Sophia es ahora casi siete meses en el hospital y ella lo está haciendo muy bien. Su peso es de 7 kg. Esperamos que vamos a ser capaces de remover el tubo de alimentación y se puede comenzar con el consumo de la leche con una tetina especial en el biberón.Sophia is nu bijna zeven maanden in ons ziekenhuis en ze doet het heel goed. Haar gewicht is 7 kg. We hopen dat we in staat zijn om haar voedingssonde te verwijderen en kan ze haar melk drinken met een speciale speen.
Dr.Liem Lie (right) and Dr.Herman Bakker (left) both urologists performed 10 surgeries and saw more than 150 young patients with urological problems, during the urological project in mid december 2012. Mostly children with spina bifida, which we already several years in the urinary incontinence management project.
Among others they operated Marjorie, (10 yrs) she was born with spina bifida, one of her kidneys stopped working and the other was also affected. As there are no pediatric urologists in Arequipa available and the family does not have financial resources to bring her to Lima for treatment. Dr.Liem Lie and Dr.Herman Baker offered their help, came to Arequipa and they have performed the life-saving surgery by removing the diseased kidney.
El Hospital Infantil Tony Molleapaza Rojas de Paz Holandesa ha efectuado la CAMPAÑA DE UROLOGIA (Del 15 hasta el 22 de Diciembre 2012).
Realizando 10 operaciones a niños hasta los 16 años y atendiendo a más de 100 casos que presentan problemas urológicos, labor efectuada en las instalaciones del hospital infantil y apoyada por los médicos Dr. Liem Lie (a la derecha) y el Dr. Herman Bakker (a la izquierda), urólogos holandeses.
El caso más particular en dicha campaña fue el de una niña (10), presentando un riñón sin el debido funcionamiento y el otro en medio funcionamiento. Los padres no cuentan con recursos económicos y no existía una solución en la ciudad de Arequipa; gracias a los contactos del “Hospital Infantil Tony Molleapaza Rojas de Paz Holandesa”, los dos médicos Holandeses voluntariamente brindaron su apoyo para salvar su vida.
La Campaña de Urología ha sido financiada por Paz Holandesa lo cual incluye pasajes del equipo quirúrgico, análisis pre-operatorios, materiales quirúrgicos, hospitalización, medicinas, etc.
El control post operatorio seguirá a cargo de Paz Holandesa, con sus profesionales, en todo el tiempo que sea necesario. Todas las actividades descritas se han efectuado en forma gratuita.Half december hebben Dr.Liem Lie (rechts) en Dr.Herman Bakker (links) in ons kinderziekenhuis een geslaagd urologisch project uitgevoerd.
Zij voerden 10 operaties uit en zagen meer dan 150 patientjes met urologische problemen, voornamelijk kinderen met spina bifida, welke wij al verschillende jaren in het urine-incontinentiemanagement project hebben.
Ondermeer opereerden zij Marjorie, (10 jr.) zij is geboren met spina bifida, een van haar nieren werkte niet meer en de andere werd ook aangetast. Daar er hier in Arequipa geen kinderuroloog voorhanden is en de familie niet over financiele middelen beschikte om haar bijv. in Lima te laten behandelen, konden wij Dr.Liem Lie en Dr.Herman Bakker bereidt vinden om naar Arequipa te komen. En hebben zij de levensreddende operatie uitgevoerd door de zieke nier te verwijderen.
Efrain went to his home in Aryviri today after spending nearly six weeks in the hospital. He was admitted after a serious traffic accident in November in which he suffered a brain damage.During his stay he received daily intensive physiotherapy, speech classes and psychological counseling. Now he can walk, talk and take care of himself.Efraín fue hoy a su casa en Aryviri después de pasar casi seis semanas en el hospital. Fue admitido después de un grave accidente de tráfico en noviembre en el que tiene un daño cerebral. Durante su estancia recibió diario intensivo fisioterapia , clases de oratoria y terapia de psicológia. Esto ahora puede caminar, hablar y cuidar de sí mismos.Efrain mocht vandaag naar zijn huis in Aryviri na een verblijf van bijna 6 weken in het ziekenhuis. Hij werd opgenomen na een zwaar verkeersongeluk in november waarbij hij een hersenletsel opliep. Tijdens zijn verblijf ontving hij dagelijks intensieve fysiotherapie, spraaklessen en psychologische begeleiding. Hierdoor kan hij nu weer lopen, praten en voor zichzelf zorgen.
This family came all the way from Espinar, at least a 20 hours busdrive, to Arequipa, to look for help for the baby. He is born with a double harelip and cleftplate. In march 2013 he will be operated in our plastic surgery project.Esta familia vino todo el camino desde Espinar, al menos un 20 busdrive horas, a Arequipa, en busca de ayuda para el bebé. Ha nacido con labio leporino bilateral y paladar hendido. En marzo de 2013 va a ser operado en nuestro proyecto de cirugía plástica.Deze familie kwam helemaal uit Espinar, op zijn minst een 20 uur busrit, naar Arequipa, om hulp te zoeken voor de baby. Hij is geboren met een dubbele hazenlip en open gehemelte. In maart 2013 zal hij worden geopereerd in onze plastische chirurgie project.