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Hoy dia las muestras de sangre
Hoy en día todos los niños seleccionados para nuestro próximo proyecto de cirugía plástica en agosto, llegaron por sus muestras de sangre (pre operatorio) necesarios
Vandaag de laboratoriumonderzoeken voor de geselecteerde kinderen
Vandaag werd bij alle geselecteerde kinderen voor het plastisch chirurgisch operatieproject in augustus, bloed afgenomen.
Recuerde Sophia? Ella es ahora más de 2 años de edad. Fue operada el año pasado, el cierre de su labio leporino, ahora ella será operado en la primera semana de agosto por Dr.Paco Parri, cirujano plástico de la Fundación FES, Barcelona.
Herkent u onze Sophia? Ze is nu meer dan 2 jaar oud. Vorig jaar werd haar dubbelzijdige schisis gesloten.Nu zal ze in de eerste week van augustus haar tweede operatie ondergaan door Dr.Paco Parri, plastisch chirurg Fundacion FES, Barcelona.
Remember Sophia? She is now more then 2 years old. She was operated last year, closing her harelip, now she will be operated in the first week of august by Dr.Paco Parri, plastic surgeon Fundacion FES, Barcelona.
Labtests today for our next project in august
Today all the children selected for our next plastic surgery project in august, came for their needed pre surgery labtests.
Thank you very much to the family Arnajan from Arequipa
Thank you Arnajan family from Arequipa, they came spontaneously to our hospital and donate a fantastic amount for armprotheses Roxi and Roger!
Arm prostheses for Roxi (11 yr) and Roger (12 years) have been ordered
Last Saturday we ordered the arm prostheses for both Roxi like Roger. Within three weeks they are delivered. Meanwhile both need to practice a lot to strengthen their muscles. Then they will be guides to learn how to deal with it. But both are super motivated, so is...
Giving arms to Roger and Roxi and get them back on track!
Since april 2012 we have our own children's hospital in Arequipa and in this hospital we're attending for three months at Roger (13 years) and Roxi (11 years). Both are victims of a terrible accident caused by a cable high voltage electricity in the province of...